ARCHIVE du patrimoine immatériel de NAVARRE

  • Année de publication:
  • Auteurs:
  • -   min, cho dong
  • Magazine:
    Journal Of Korea Multimedia Society
  • Volume:
  • Numéro:
  • Pages:
  • ISSN:

The applications of intangible cultural heritage in China have encountered development bottlenecks due to poor user experience. In this paper, we begin to study the reasons why the user experience is not good, and to study design methods that enhance the user experience through the theory of five-factor model. Through literature study and comparative study of contestants, this paper investigates the advantages and disadvantages of their interaction design and summarizes the common problems. Next, a survey of these user populations will be conducted to find some design elements that affect the user experience. Finally, through empirical research, the design elements are incorporated into the theory of user experience modeling and case studies demonstrate that the application of the design elements is beneficial to improving the user experience.