ARCHIVE du patrimoine immatériel de NAVARRE

  • Année de publication:
  • Auteurs:
  • -   Misra, Kamal
  • Volume:
  • Numéro:
  • Pages:
  • ISBN:
Written by the director and staff of the first, and one of the largest, teaching centers in American higher education - the University of Michigan's Center for Research on Learning and Teaching (CRLT) - this book offers a unique perspective on the strategies for making a teaching center integral to an institution's educational mission. It presents a comprehensive vision for running a wide range of related programs, and provides faculty developers elsewhere with ideas and material to prompt reflection on the management and practices of their centers - whatever their size - and on how best to create a culture of teaching on their campuses. Given that only about a fifth of all U.S. postsecondary institutions have a teaching center, this book also offers a wealth of ideas and models for those administrators who are considering the development of new centers on their campuses.