ARCHIVO del patrimonio inmaterial de NAVARRA

  • Año de Publicación:
  • Autores:
  • -   Quimbert, Charles
  • Revista:
    In Situ-Revue de Patrimoines
  • Volumen:
  • Número:
  • Páginas:
  • ISSN:
Bretagne Culture Diversité is an association and one of our jobs is to carry out an ongoing inventory of Brittany’s intangible cultural heritage. As part of this reflective framework, and in liaison with a dedicated working group, we realised that what we need is a touring multimedia exhibition that will help us reach out to a non-specialist audience, people who are often the least engaged with art and culture, focusing on the younger audience wherever possible. The touring exhibition is enabling us to mount a project for the long term, with a four-year operation being considered, and to travel to venues all over Brittany. There is an extensive network of media resource centres, town libraries and associations stretching across the region. The working group operates as an editorial committee and a documentary resource group. We now need to overcome the apparent contradiction that requires us to ‘embody the intangible’. Fortunately, intangible does not mean dematerialized and the presentation will demonstrate the various media used to spread this concept to the widest audience possible.