ARCHIVO del patrimonio inmaterial de NAVARRA

  • Año de Publicación:
  • Autores:
  • -   Yong-Shik, Lee
  • Revista:
    Korean Journal of Intangible HeritageKorean Journal of Intangible Heritage
  • Volumen:
  • Número:
  • Páginas:
  • Fecha de Publicación:
  • ISBN:
The documentation of the holders of intangible cultural heritage is a valuable task since it records the person who has preserved and transmitted intangible cultural heritage. The life history of the holder is not only the personal life history but also the history of the art world who transmit it. This paper examines the previous documentation of the holders of National Intangible Cultural Heritage and suggests the advisable methods in the future documentation.First, the documentation has to focus on the general public not on the experts of the field. It should record the history and distinctive characteristics of the field and the life and art world of the holder. It is desirable to contain broad and easy understanding, not the deep and academic knowledge. It should not include the subjective view and scholarly argument of the writer but the universal terms and theory that are accepted among the scholars of the field. Second, the documentation should focus on the ‘living’ culture that is performed in these days. The various musical activities of the holder should be recorded. Third, the documentation should exhibit the whole life and music of the holder. The musician shows his life through the music and his/her music should be recorded as a whole. Ultimately, the documentation should show the artistic beauty of the traditional music in an ultra-macro point of view for globalization. In these days, the documentation of the glocal culture is the most effective way to show the precious traditional music to the world.