NAFARROAKO ondare materiagabearen ARTXIBOA

Izenburua Urteasort descending Egileak Aldizkaria
Site management: An application to wadilmeluk (the valley of the kings) 2006 El-Iraqi, D., Osman, M. International Journal of Heritage Studies
Strategy and System Framework Concerning the Protection of the Intellectual Property of Ethnic Traditional Knowledge in China: A Case of Ethnic Medical Knowledge 2006 Yong-he, Yan Ethno-National Studies
Linking the Present with the Past through Intangible Heritage in History Museums 2006 Yerkovich, Sally International Journal of Intangible Heritage
Intangible Heritage: A Pacific Case Study at the Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa 2006 Mahina-Tuai, Kolokesa Uafa International Journal of Intangible Heritage
Intangible heritage management: Does World Heritage listing help? 2006 Thebe, Phenyo Churchill
Investigación e inventario del patrimonio oral e inmaterial musical de la región del Gran Magdalena, Colombia : informe final de actividades 2006 Silva Valejo, Fabio, González, Roosvelt, Carrasquilla, Deibys
Investigación para la definición de un marco conceptual sobre la política del patrimonio cultural inmaterial en Colombia 2006 Santoyo, Álvaro
Decreto promulgatorio de la Convención para Salvaguardia del Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial, en el marco de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura 2006 Martínez González, Paloma Revista de Derecho Privado
The Interaction of the Museum and Non-material Cultural Heritage 2006 Dongjv, Z. Study of Ethnics in Guangxi
Luzaideko eta Ondarrolako hiru gutun 2006 Salaberri Zaratiegi, Patxi, Kamino Kaminondo, Peio Fontes linguae vasconum: studia et documenta
