ARCHIVE du patrimoine immatériel de NAVARRE

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Acceptation of folk medicine and its “secrets” in a swiss burn centre 2019 Kasser, S., Applegate, L.A., Hirt-Burri, N., Jafari, P., de Buys Roessingh, A., Raffoul, W., Berger, M.M. Annals of Burns and Fire Disasters
Acceptation of folk medicine and its “secrets” in a swiss burn centre 2019 Kasser, S., Applegate, L.A., Hirt-Burri, N., Jafari, P., de Buys Roessingh, A., Raffoul, W., Berger, M.M. Annals of Burns and Fire Disasters
Determining residents' enjoyment of Cantonese opera as their performing arts heritage in Macao 2022 Io, Man-U., Chong, Daniel Annals of Leisure Research
Determining residents' enjoyment of Cantonese opera as their performing arts heritage in Macao 2022 Io, Man-U., Chong, Daniel Annals of Leisure Research
Nutrigenomics and nutrigenetics approach to food functionality - a Japanese perspective. 2017 Kato, H. Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism
Rebranding Tempe from Traditional Food to be More Acceptable for the 21st Century Consumers 2019 Astawan, Made, Maskar, Dadi Hidayat Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism
The candidature of the mediterranean diet as an intangible cultural heritage towards the achievement of nutrition security for all 2009 Dernini, Sandro, Cannella, Carlo Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism
Rebranding Tempe from Traditional Food to be More Acceptable for the 21st Century Consumers 2019 Astawan, Made, Maskar, Dadi Hidayat Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism
Unfamiliar light: the production of enchantment 2022 Lovell, Jane, Griffin, Howard Annals of Tourism Research
Minority languages as sustainable tourism resources: From Indigenous groups in British Columbia (Canada) to Cimbrian people in Giazza (Italy) 2020 Lonardi, Serena, Martini, Umberto, Hull, John S. Annals of Tourism Research
