ARCHIVE du patrimoine immatériel de NAVARRE

Titre Annéesort ascending Les auteurs Magazine
Research on Typical Craftsmanship of Silk Cheongsam 2017 Huang, Xiu-li
Inhabiting a Language: Linguistic Interactions as a Living Repository for Intangible Cultural Heritage 2017 Bialostocka, Olga International Journal of Intangible Heritage
Wayang Robot with Gamelan Music Pattern Recognition 2017 Tomo, Tito Pradhono, Schmitz, Alexander, Enriquez, Guillermo, Hashimoto, Shuji, Sugano, Shigeki Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics
Critical Review of the Discourse on the Globalization of Arirang 2017 Choi, , Eun-Sook
Dimensiones del potencial transformador de los relatos digitales en la divulgación de Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial de la comunidad 2017 Rodrigues Correia, Maria da Luz Relatos Digitales en Educación Formal y Social.
Libro de actas del XXIII Congreso Nacional y XIV Congreso Iberoamericano de Historia de la Veterinaria: Badajoz, 27 y 28 de octubre de 2017 2017 Calero Bernal, Rafael
The Italian jukebox 2017 Ghirardini, Cristina Philomusica
Intangible Cultural Heritage as a promotion of a tourist destination. 2017 Lopez-Guzman, T., Prada-Trigo, J., Perez-Galvez, J. C., Pesantez, S. Estudios y Perspectivas en Turismo
Prospective and probabilistic scenarios of Tsachila nationality 2017 Chávez, David Arias, Ortega, Johana Abril, Moreno, Jenny Núñez, Barros, Ángel Zapata Ciencias Sociales y Económica
Social networking practices of Viennese coffeehouse culture and intangible heritage tourism 2017 Yeong-shyang, Chen, Shou-tsung, Wu Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change
