ARCHIVE du patrimoine immatériel de NAVARRE

Titre Annéesort descending Les auteurs Magazine
Cultural Policies in Russian Museums 2017 Zabalueva, Olga Museum International
Effects of Cultural and Tourism Policies on Local Development: the Case of Food Trails in Medellin, Colombia 2017 Leal Londono, M., Medina, F. X. Almatourism-Journal of Tourism Culture and Territorial Development
Inventorying Intangible Cultural Heritage on the Web: a Life-cycle Approach 2017 Artese, Maria Teresa, Gagliardi, Isabella International Journal of Intangible Heritage
How to understand engineering sciences with the techniques of the body: The case of the bridges collection of the Musee des Arts et Metiers explained by circus acrobatics 2017 Dubois, Arnaud Social Science Information Sur Les Sciences Sociales
Research on the Protection of Non - material Cultural Heritage of Music in Dalian and the Development of Local Higher Music Education 2017 Zhang, Xiaoou
Inmaterialidades. Problemas de conservación del arte de los nuevos medios 2017 Rivero Moreno, Luis D. De arte: revista de historia del arte
Latent content in tourism photos: the case of dark tourism in Costa Morte (Galiza) 2017 Azevedo, Antonio Pasos-Revista de Turismo y Patrimonio Cultural
Patrimonio inmaterial: reduccionismos, instrumentalizaciones político y económicas y conflictos de apropiación simbólica 2017 Carrera Díaz, Gema Revista Andaluza de Antropología
Safeguarding Indigenous Architecture in Vanuatu. Paris, UNESCO Apia Office 2017 Christie, Wendy
Study on Design Method of Chinese Han Embroidery in Silk Modern Women Clothing 2017 Zhang, Yuanmei
