ARCHIVE du patrimoine immatériel de NAVARRE

  • Année de publication:
  • Auteurs:
  • -   Lee, Yong-Shik
  • Magazine:
    Journal of National Gugak CenterJournal of National Gugak Center
  • Volume:
  • Numéro:
  • Pages:
  • Date de publication:
  • ISBN:
The funeral rite is one of the most important rite of passage in the Korean life. It consists of the major religious rituals of Confucianism, Buddhism, and Shamanism in Korea. It is, at the same time, the valuable performing arts comprising song, music, and dance. The Shamanic ritual, especially, is the most artistic ritual which is performed to lead the soul of the dead to the nirvana.The Jindo Island, located in the southwestern tip of the Korean peninsula, is famous for its preservation of traditional funeral ritual in Korea. The island's ritual is composed of the Shamanic ritual, called Ssitgim-gut(cleasing ritual), the drama, called dasi raegi, performed by special entertainers, and funeral songs. They such precious performing arts that they are designated as Intangible Cultural Heritage by the central and provincial governments. In this way, the funeral ritual of the Jindo Island exhibits the national traits as well as the local characteristics. In this paper, I will explore the funeral rites of the island in the view of the performing arts to discover the meaning and characteristics of the island's culture.The funeral rites on Jindo Island are located in the liminal zone between this world and the other world. They are at the same time a chaotic space where the living and the dead coexist. The ritual can be distinguished in three parts. The first part is the rite of separation when the dead is confirmed and separated from this world. In this stage, the Confucian ritual is performed without any music and dance. The second part is the abnormal condition when the living and the dead coexist to console the soul of the dead. In this part, the Shamanic ritual and the drama is performed by professional artists. The third part is the rite of aggregation to send the soul of the dead to the nirvana. In this part, the holders of the coffin sings the song which functions as the ritual song as well as the labor song. In this way, the funeral rite of the Jindo Island is the most precious cultural heritage which shows the artistic beauty and identity of Korea.