ARCHIVE of the immaterial heritage of NAVARRE

  • Year of publication:
  • Authors:
  • -   Rubio Huerta, Laura Margarita
    -   Rodriguez Corredor, Maria Alejandra
    -   Cote Daza, Sandra Patricia
    -   Barón Chivara, Jesus Alexis
  • Journal:
    Cuad. Geogr. Rev. Colomb. Geogr.
  • Volume:
  • Number:
  • Pages:
    128 - 145
  • Number:
  • Date of publication:
  • ISBN:
Costumbres; Costumes; Cultura; Culture; Customs; Food Resource; Intangible Cultural Heritage; Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial; Patrimônio Cultural Intangível; Recursos Alimentares; Recursos Alimentarios; Tradicional; Tradições; Traditional Cultural Tourism; Turismo Cultural;
Market places offer gastronomic alternatives that reflect the traditions, everydayness, and territorial characteristics that become tourist attractions. However, internal migrations to Bogota have affected the gastronomic traditions, and therefore, the city's traditional food supply. Given the importance of culinary culture for tourism, this research aims to identify the current offer of Bogota's traditional dishes in four market places. The analysis was carried out using a descriptive qualitative approach, conducting field research, and data triangulation with the actors involved in the gastronomic process of the market places. The results revealed that 33 % of Bogota's traditional dishes are not offered in the market places, providing an opportunity to rescue the city's gastronomy coordinating tourist activities of market places and production of typical food. This finding contributes to the characterization of these territorial spaces and is relevant for future researches seeking strategies that can guarantee an offer in the market places. Main ideas: The research paper identifies the offer of Bogota's traditional dishes in the market places, as territorial spaces that generate sociocultural exchanges and are attractive to tourists, highlighting the gastronomic tourism in Bogota city. The findings of this research are a starting point for future research seeking strategies that can guarantee an offer in the market places.